Roe Angling Limited
Fishing and Company Rules

Information and guidance on  Roe Angling Limited fishing regulations

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Loughs Agency Fishing Rules

Fishing regulations, such as bag and size limits, help to ensure healthy and sustainable fishing on the River Roe for future generations. Size limits aim to allow fish to reach maturity and complete their breeding cycle, while bag limits help to make sure the river is not overfished.

Size limit - game fish

No  salmon, brown trout or sea trout of less than 25.4cm (10 inches) may be retained!

Tagging – salmon and sea trout

Anglers must gill tag all salmon. All sea trout over 40cm (15 ¾ inches) must also be tagged. Tags are to be used immediately on landing the fish.

Bag limits – game fish

  • 1st  April – 20th October: bag limit of two salmon or sea trout over 40cm  (15 ¾ inches) on any one day; maximum of 2 in this period.
  • 1st April– 20th October: bag limit of four sea-trout or brown trout  between 25.4cm (10 inches) and 40cm  (15 ¾ inches) in any one day.

Sale of rod caught fish

A person shall not sell - or offer for sale – salmon or sea trout caught by rod and line.


The use of a float is forbidden on any waters in the River Roe or its tributaries.


The use of shrimps prawns or maggots is strictly prohibited in the River Roe or its tributaries.

Live fish baits

Fish cannot be used as bait in fresh waters in the River Roe or its tributaries.


There  is a prohibition of angling within 5 meters of both weirs at the Carrick flats. There is a prohibition of angling within 50 yards 48.5 meters below the weirs at Given’s and O’Cahans rock.

Rod Size

The maximum rod size for bait fishing on the River Roe and tributaries is 2.75 meters (9ft)

Breaking strain

The maximum breaking strain of mono for spinning is 5.44kgs (12lb) bait fishing is 4.5kgs (10lb)

No spinning zone

There is a  strict no spinning zone from the road bridge at the Roe Valley Country Park which extends 280 meters upstream on both banks.
Please note that fly fishing in this area is restricted to a single unweighted barbless fly. No doubles or trebles are permitted.

                                                                        COMPANY RULES                                                             

1.1 Appointment of Board of Directors.
Directors will be elected at the Annual General meeting to deal with the day to day activities of the Company.  
1.2  Appointment of Office Holders.
The following office holders will be elected at the Annual General Meeting –
(a) Chairperson
(b) Vice Chairperson
(c) Secretary
(d) Treasurer
In the event that office holders are not elected at the AGM they can be appointed from within the Board of Directors duly elected at the AGM.
1.3 The voting and subsequent election of a Board of Directors and Office  
Holders will be in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.

1. Applications for membership.
1.1 Membership numbers will be limited to 700 for all classes of adult members.    
There are no restrictions on the number of juvenile and junior members.  A waiting list will be maintained for adult applicants once the 700 number has been reached. Applicants will be admitted in the ratio of 3:1, local:non-local.
1.2 Any resolution passed at an AGM by the members cannot be overruled unless it is for the protection of fish stocks, or to meet the financial needs of the company.
1.3 Applications must be made using the Membermojo website.
1.4 Applications must indicate the class of membership being applied for.
1.5 In relation to renewal of membership –
          (a) All renewals of membership are done in accordance with the data held in  the previous year’s                   membership and
          (b) a return of the previous year’s catch must be made by each member on their Membermojo                   file.
         (c) in completing their renewal, all members agree to abide by the rules of the  Company.
1.6  It is the responsibility of all members to keep their Membermojo file up to  date, including any change of postal address, email address and telephone contact number during their membership.

2.0 Classes of Membership
2.1 There will be five classes of membership - namely:
       (a) Ordinary Adult Membership.
(b) Adults aged 65 and over.
(c) Disabled Adult Membership. (Restrictions apply to this category of membership).
(d) Juvenile Members for those aged up to 17 years.
(e) Junior Members for those aged up to 11 years.          

Please note that your age on the 31st May will determine your class of membership.

3. Membership Subscriptions
3.1 Membership subscriptions shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 Scale of subscriptions
 (a) Ordinary Adult Membership - £90.00
(b) Senior member - £45.00
(c) Disabled Adult Membership - £10.00 (Restrictions apply to this category of membership.)
(d) Juvenile Members - £20.00
 (f) Junior Members - £10.00
  Above prices are correct for 2025.
3.3 Subscriptions should be paid through Membermojo as early in the season as
possible and before the 30th April.  Only one reminder will be sent.

4. Membership Cards
4.1 Membership cards will be issued upon approval of the application, provided that a photograph is attached to their Membermojo file.
4.2 Members are personally responsible for the custody of any membership cards which may be issued.  The loss of membership cards or of any such documents  should be reported immediately to the Company.
4.3 Membership cards or an alternative form of photo identity must be carried  when fishing water preserved by the company.  It must be shown at the  request of river watchers or bailiffs and the owners of lands or their agents.

5. Records
5.1 All records, reports, financial or other documents of the Company shall be treated as confidential unless or until they become public in the ordinary course of the Company business or authorised by the Directors.
5.2 Any member or officer of the Company may, for the purposes of his/her duty as such member or officer of the Company but not otherwise, on application to the Directors, inspect any document of the Company.
5.3 A member may not inspect any document of the Company in which they have directly or indirectly any pecuniary interest.
5.4 The directors shall refuse to allow any inspection of documents if so advised by their proper legal representative and in the event of legal proceedings those documents which would be protected by legal professional privilege.
5.5  The ultimate responsibility of holding records shall rest with the directors.

Introduction and interpretation
6. The basic principle is well stated as follows:
“The company is entitled to demand of a member conduct of the highest standard.  Confidence in his/her integrity would be shaken were the least suspicion, however  ill-founded, to arise that s/he could in anyway be influenced by improper motives or be involved in illegal fishing methods”.
The term “improper motives” includes, but is not limited to, “financial motives”. “There are circumstances in which a tie of kinship or friendship, or some other association or loyalty which does not give rise to a financial interest, can  materially influence the way in which a member or officer carries out his or her duties, or may be reasonably suspected of having  such an influence.  The rules of the Company require the disclosure of all such non-pecuniary interests. Such a requirement can be couched only in general terms, since it is impossible to specify all types of situation that might arise. Nevertheless, members and officers must be left in no doubt that their duties extend beyond the declaration of interests that are definable in pecuniary terms”.
6.1 This Code applies to all members of Roe Angling Limited.
6.2  All Members have a responsibility to comply with the provisions of the Code.
6.3  In this Code - "meeting" means any meeting of -
          (a) the Company or directors;
          (b) any of the Company's sub-committees or  joint committees, should such
                sub-committee(s)  be  appointed;
          "member" includes all classes of members.Scope
6.4  All members must comply with this Code whenever they -
        (a) conduct the business of the Company (which, in this Code, includes the
              business of the office to which they are elected or appointed); or
        (b) act, claim to act or give the impression they are acting as a representative or        
             the Company, and references to official capacity are construed accordingly;
        (c) attend any meeting of the Company or attend any meeting on behalf of the  
        (d) at all times when angling and/or traversing over any land with the purpose  
             of angling.General obligations

6.5  You must treat others with respect.
6.6  You must not -
          (a) do anything which may cause the Company to breach any equality, race or  
               other discrimination legislation;
          (b) bully or harass any person;
          (c) intimidate or attempt to intimidate any person.
6.7 You must not -
          (a) disclose information given to you in confidence by anyone, or information  
               acquired by you which you believe, or ought reasonably to be aware, is of a  
               confidential nature, except where -
           (b) you have the consent of a person authorised to give it;
           (c) you are required by law to do so;
           (d) the disclosure is made to a third party for the purpose of obtaining  
                 professional advice provided that the third party agrees not to disclose the  
                 information to any other person.
6.8.  Members have a duty to ensure that all their decisions and actions are taken in the best interests of the Company and the public interest, putting its interests before any personal or professional interests.
6.9 Members accept collective responsibility for enabling the Company to achieve its objectives and for decisions taken by the Directors. Members are expected to contribute to discussion and debate freely to enable decisions to be made. Once the Directors have taken a decision within their powers and responsibilities, members must support the communication and implementation of that decision.
6.10  Members have a duty to lead by example, always demonstrating respect and dignity for others, valuing diversity and conducting themselves in a non-discriminatory manner at all times. Working together for the good of the Company effectively means observing the following working principles: Trust between members - being honest and open; acting with integrity and respect for each other.
b.    Good communication - sharing information and listening to others without the  
      use of heckling, foul or defamatory language or raised voices.
c.   Ideas and creativity - offering ideas and being open to ideas proposed by others.
d.    Individual responsibility - accepting responsibility for achieving goals.
e.    Problem solving, finding solutions - working to find creative solutions to  
f.    Collaboration with others - working constructively with other agencies and
      statutory bodies in a common purpose.
6.11 Members have a duty to raise any concerns about compliance with this Code
with the  directors at the earliest opportunity.
6.12 Protection of Property – without exception, permission to park a vehicle must    be obtained from the land owner concerned.
6.13 It is forbidden to:                   
a    leave gates open; 
b    damage fences/hedges (stiles where provided must be used),
c     light fires;
d    leave litter on banks or adjoining lands, especially nylon; 
e     dig banks or adjoining lands for bait; 
f      allow dogs to roam indiscriminately; 
g     walk through crop (including hay).  Only the access path designated by the landowner may be used.
6.14  An adult member who if found guilty of fishing illegally, or of breaching the Company Rules will have his or her membership terminated.
 6.15  An adult member of the company who has been convicted of any fisheries offence in the Foyle Area or in the DAERA controlled area will have his or her membership terminated and will not be permitted to fish any Company water. Any day permit or any other permit whatsoever obtained or used by that person for the purposes of fishing such waters will not be valid.  
 6.16  An adult member of Roe Angling Limited who is convicted in a Court of Law of offences against the Loughs Agency Rules and Regulations, DAERA, or breaching Company Rules shall be expelled from the company and no application to join again by such an expelled member can be considered for a period of not less than five years.
 6.17 An adult member of Roe Angling Limited who is convicted in a court of law on a second occasion of offences against the Loughs Agency Rules and Regulations, DAERA, or breaching company Rules shall be expelled from the Company and no application to join again by such an expelled member can be considered for an indefinite period.
 6.18  An adult person who is convicted in a court of the offence of fishing while not having a club card from Roe Angling Limited shall have any subsequent application to join the Company referred to the directors of Roe Angling Limited who may impose sanctions as they feel fit including delaying membership.
 6.19  A non-member of the company who has been convicted of any fisheries offence in the Foyle Area or in the DAERA area will not be permitted to fish any company water.  Any Day Permit or any other Permit whatsoever, obtained or used by that person for the purposes of fishing such waters will not be valid.             
6.20 Disciplinary
Failure to comply with any of the Articles of Association, Rules and/or Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken.
6.21 The directors will appoint a Sub-Committee (or Panel) to hear all disciplinary matters which will comprise 50% of the directors.  The Sub-Committee shall designate the Chairman of any Sub-Committee so appointed.  The provisions of these Standing Orders shall apply as if the Sub-Committee were referred to instead.
6.22  The member must notify the Secretary of the Company of his/her decision to appeal in writing within 7 days of receiving notification of the disciplinary decision.  A date for hearing the appeal will be notified in writing and will be heard by the remaining 50% of the directors.  
6.23  No disciplinary action shall be taken until there has been a full investigation into any alleged incident.
6.24  The member has the right to receive, prior to disciplinary hearings,
• A written statement of the alleged misconduct, and
• Particulars on the basis for the allegation.
6.25  The member has the right to reasonable opportunity, prior to disciplinary hearings, to consider their responses relating to the information provided on the allegation.
6.26  The member will be entitled (where reasonably requested) to be accompanied at any disciplinary or appeal hearing by a fellow member.
6.27  The member must take all reasonable steps to attend the disciplinary and appeal hearings. 6.28  The Company will ensure that the disciplinary rules and procedures are applied fairly and consistently.
6.29  The Company will keep written records during the disciplinary process. These will include the complaint against the member, notes taken during the hearings and appeals, findings and actions taken, details of the appeal and any other information relevant to the process.
6.30  The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout the process.
6.31  Grievance Procedure
The aim of this procedure is to give a member an opportunity to raise a grievance either informally and/or formally and to discuss this with the Company as follows -
• Grievances should be raised as soon as possible and directed to a member of the Board of Directors, to allow issues to be resolved quickly.
• Members will be given the opportunity to explain their grievance and how they think it should be resolved.
• If the Member’s grievance is against a Director they may raise the matter with another Director in the Company, where possible.
• The Company will ensure that the timing and location of all meetings under this procedure are reasonable.
• As far as is reasonably practicable, appeal hearings will be conducted by members of the Board of Directors other than those members who took the decision which is being appealed.  
• Members will be entitled (where reasonably requested) to be accompanied to any grievance or appeal hearing by a fellow member.
• All members and their companions should take reasonable steps to attend grievance and appeal meetings.
• Records shall be kept detailing the nature of the grievance raised, the directors’ response, any action taken, the reasons for it and other information relevant to the process. These records shall be kept confidential. There may be circumstances where the directors and member feel it would be beneficial to involve a third party to help in resolving the issue, through for example a process of mediation. In this instance the grievance procedure may be temporarily set aside. This procedure applies to both members and to employees.

These regulations are subject to change and it is the responsibility of members to acquaint themselves with all current regulations which may apply in the Foyle area.  Changes will be updated as soon as is practicable.

7.0 All members must comply with Loughs Agency Angling Regulations including
a      Size limit - Trout and game fish under 250mm must be returned to the water. 
They must be placed gently back with a wet hand and not thrown.
b       Precedence  - Fly rods must be given priority when fishing down a pool or run.
c       Over-fishing  - The practice of remaining indefinitely at any given place when
other anglers are present is prohibited, except in spate conditions. 
          Pools must be fished down in turn, allowing the angler in front fifteen metres
          start.  This distance must be maintained.  It is forbidden to return to the head of
          the pool after fishing it, and “step in” in front of another angler approaching
          from above or to commence fishing half way down when another angler has
           started at the head of the pool without that angler’s consent.
 d        Unsporting Methods – Fishing in such a manner or with such tackle as is conductive to foul             hooking fish is prohibited, and any member found guilty of  this offence will be expelled from             the company.
7.1 Fishing by methods other than those permitted under Loughs Agency regulations are prohibited. All members must make themselves aware of the current bag limit. Information can found at . Telephone number 02871342100.
 7.2  Preserved Water Roe Angling Limited preserves fishing from the headwaters of the River Roe and its tributaries to the mouth of the river, excluding certain stretches.   

8.0.  Permits to fish - Roe Angling Limited Waters are issued at the following rate  - 
One day £25
Seven days £120.00
Fourteen days £220.00. 
Senior Citizens and persons under eighteen – half going rate. 

8.1.  Day permits are limited to a maximum of twenty six rods in any given day. 
8.2   Visitors must obey the Rules of the Company and failure to do so will cancel the permit and disqualify the holder from further angling in Company waters. 
8.3.  Day Permits are issued by S J Mitchell, Main Street, Limavady, Telephone  02877722128 and Rod and Gun Dungiven.
9.0 All licences for the Foyle Area and Northern Ireland Conservancy Board together with Department of Agriculture Permits, are available from the relevant Loughs Agency and DAERA websites. Visitors Day Permits are available from S J Mitchell & Co, Main Street, Limavady Telephone 02877722128 and Rod and Gun Dungiven .
10.0  This commences on the 1st April with single barbless fly. After the 20th May all legal methods apply. The season ends on the 20th October, subject to suspension of Angling Regulations as determined by Loughs Agency and the Company.
Citation and Commencement
1) These regulations may be cited as the Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 and shall come into operation on the 1st APRIL 2004.
2) In these Regulations-
“Angling” means the angling for, taking or killing of fish by rod and line;
“Netting” means the use of any net for the purpose of taking salmon or sea trout.
“Period of suspension” means any period during which fishing is suspended under these regulations.
“Salmonids” means a fish of the Family Salmonidae, including salmon, sea trout, rainbow trout and brown trout:
 Suspension of angling in River Faughan and River Roe.
Angling shall be suspended in accordance with provision of regulation 8 in the River Faughan and Roe and their tributaries from 11 October in any calendar year until the beginning of the next annual close season for angling in those waters until the beginning of the next annual close season for angling in those waters if during the period 1 May to 30 September, both dates inclusive, in that year the Agency has not counted at least 1,000 salmon by means of the River Faughan Fish Counter.  (This information needs to be updated)
Prohibition of Angling
1  Angling shall be prohibited in the River Foyle during any period when netting in those waters is suspended in accordance with these regulations.
 2  Angling shall be prohibited in the Rivers Mourne, Strule, Faughan and Roe during any period when angling in those waters is suspended in accordance with these regulations.
3  Tackle, etc. - Certain limitations are enforced by the Loughs Agency on the River Roe.  They are as follows:
           FLY FISHING  where the breaking strain of the cast shall not exceed 3.7 kg for night fishing and            6.9kg for fishing at all other times and where no more than two single dressed fly hooks of            normal weight spaced at least 0.61m apart are used for night fishing. A restriction applies at
          the Green.
           BAIT FISHING  where the gape of the hook does not exceed 9 mm, the breaking strain of the line            does not exceed 4.6kg and the maximum length of the rod does not exceed 2.75m, provided
           that method is not used for night fishing.
            SPINNING  where the gape of the hook does not exceed 7mm the breaking strain of the line             does not exceed 4.6kg and the maximum length of the rod does not exceed 2.75m provided
            that this method is not used for night fishing.
“Night fishing” means fishing between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
“Spinning ” means  the use of a single rod reel (including a fixed spool reel) and line designed to cast or throw an artificial or natural bait and retrieve the bait by rewinding the line onto the drum of the reel with the bait kept in motion throughout.
“SNATCH” means to foul hook any fish deliberately;
 Methods of Angling
The only methods of angling which shall be permitted in waters described in the first column of Schedule 1 shall be those methods specified in the second column of that Schedule and the exercise of those methods shall  be subject to any restrictions, as to the number or minimum length of fish which may be retained on any one day, which are specified in the third column of that Schedule.
1  Angling by any method is prohibited in the areas described in the section headed “Prohibition of Angling” above.
2  Angling with any type of float or similar device designed to suspend a bait or lure in water is prohibited in the waters described in Schedule One.
3  No person shall in any part of the Foyle Area snatch or attempt to snatch or foul hook salmon with any kind of hook or combination of hooks covered in part or in whole with any matters of thing or uncovered and whether used with a rod and line or otherwise.
4  A person shall not use live fish as bait whilst angling in any fresh water in the Foyle Area or the Carlingford Area.
Description of waters: River Roe and tributaries and River Faughan and the tributaries (except those areas mentioned in Schedule II where angling is prohibited).
Restrictions on number and size 
7.  Where a person takes any salmonid of less than the maximum length specified in paragraph (1) (a) or a salmonid in excess of the maximum number specified he shall return the salmonid to the water without avoidable injury.

Fishery:  River Roe
Area where angling is prohibited:-
a          From and within 50 yards downstream of weir known as O’Cahan’s Rock in the townland of                   Deerpark, Co Londonderry.
b         From and within 50 yards downstream of the weir known as Given’s Weir in the townland of             Terrydremond, Co Londonderry. 
             Night Fishing - At present allowed until end of season.  Fly fishing only. 
Regulation may be amended.
 c        Spinning from and within 280.0 metres upstream of Largy Bridge in the townlands of Largy and            Ardgarvan, County Londonderry .
Bailiffs and Watchers
In addition to the bailiffs employed by the Loughs Agency, the Company has appointed voluntary River Watchers.  The Company now employs one paid watcher.
All watchers must produce their “instruments” (warrants signed by the District Judge (Magistrates Court)) if requested.
Their duties are to ensure that all anglers fishing company waters are authorised to do so and that all anglers whether members or not, obey the Company’s Articles of Association and Rules.
They have jurisdiction on the River Roe and are legally entitled to examine licences and to demand the names of persons who are breaking the Articles and Rules.  They have power to, seize unlawful tackle, and/or apprehend the offender. The bailiffs employed by the Loughs Agency are not concerned with the Company’s Articles and Rules and cannot be called upon to assist in such matters but their jurisdiction extends over the entire river.